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Anderson George


About MD/CEO

A dynamic scholar in the field of Management. He obtained B.Sc (Business) from Austin University , Texas and Phd (Economics) at Havard University. He is highly experience with a 25yrs attribution in the area of development startegies.

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Williams Bogush

Chief Finance Officer

Chief Finance Officer

Mr. Williams worked for ABB as their Head of Finance from 2013-2017 before joing our company in 2019 as our CFO. He has a vast experience of 20 years in the area of finance. He is a finance guru.

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Timothy Benson

Chief Operations Officer.

Chief Operations Officer

A uniqe leader and a dynamic IT achiever. Timothy worked for Microsoft as their Senior Operations Manager for the span of 10yrs. He ideas are unique in the areat of IT.

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Jeff Burns

Company Legal Adviser

Company Legal Adviser

Jeff is an great lawyer with dynamic acheivements for the past 25yrs. He was with KPMG and Accenture as their Lead Lawyer for 20yrs.

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Magdalene Hughes

Company Public Relations Officer

Company Public Relations Officer

This is basic card with image on top, title, description and button.This is basic card with image on top, title, description and button.This is basic card with image on top, title, description and button.

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Daniella Gonzalez

Human Resource Director

Human Resource Director

Daniella, dynamic teacher and leader in the area of HR has been a drive to the company development in the area of HR Management. With quality staff and ideas careers, she has made the company a global name..